Paul V Loiselle, 2004
Cichlid Room Companion

African Dwarf Cichlids, the Lake Tanganyikan Species: Part Two

Von , 1997.

African Dwarf Cichlids, the Lake Tanganyikan Species: Part Two

Klassifizierung: Artenübersicht, See Tanganyika.

Neolamprologus meeli A young pair of Neolamprologus meeli, male above, female below, investigating an empty mystery snail shell. First of the shell-dwelling dwarfs to be bred in the United States, this species has been mistakenly sold as Lamprologus ornatipinnis, a very different fish. Photo by Paul V. Loiselle.

Part Two

All of the dwarf cichlids to date considered in this series have been substratum-spawners. While there are nouthbrooding cichlids small enough to be included in this category on morphological grounds, notably the genera Pseudocrenilabrus and Labidochromis, their behavior dictates the use of larger aquaria to ensure their successful maintenance than are required by true dwarf cichlids (Loiselle, 1979; 1980; 1982). The sole exceptions to this general pattern are the goby cichlids of Lake Tanganyika. All of these fishes are advanced mouthbrooders whose size and maintenance requirements clearly qualify them as dwarf cichlids.

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