
Vieja bifasciata, the paleta from the Usumacinta

作者 Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel

Cichlid News Magazine, 30(1):13-17 1月-2021

" Notes on taxonomy, distribution, natural history, conservation and captive maintenance "

Vieja bifasciata, the paleta from the Usumacinta


卖方: Aquatic Promotions

Article statistics: six pages, nine illustrations, 0.7 MB pdf size.

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類別: 物種概述, 北美.

語言: English

Publication where the reference appears

Cichlid News Magazine vol. 30 (n. 1)

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel. 2021. "Vieja bifasciata, the paleta from the Usumacinta". Cichlid News Magazine. 30(1):13-17 (crc11090) (摘要)