
Cichlid World 21 — Cichlid Conservation, part 2: Conservation organizations and efforts to protect biodiversity

By Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel

Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine, LXIX(3):14:19 Jan-2021

" In this essay I write about the international organizations that focus on the preservation of biodiversity, including those that focus on cichlids, as well as the efforts by governments and individuals to preserve biodiversity. I also write about efforts by aquarist to preserve fish species "

Classification: Ecology and conservation.

Language: English

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel. 2021. "Cichlid World 21 — Cichlid Conservation, part 2: Conservation organizations and efforts to protect biodiversity". Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. LXIX(3):14:19 (crc11159) (abstract)