
Heros nigrofasciatus, the convict cichlid in search of a name

作者 Heijns, Willem

The Cichlid Room Companion, 2009

" After the original description by Albert Günther of the popular convict cichid as Heros nigrofasciatus back in 1867, its taxonomic history has been far from stable. The search for a proper scientific name and the relationships of this popular cichlid with the rest of the Central American cichlid species took well over 100 years, but it now seems that has reached a stable status, at least in our current understanding of what species. Willem Heijns explains the different views since the early times and in an easy to understand manner significantly widens our understanding of what can be behind a fish name and its relationships "

Heros nigrofasciatus, the convict cichlid in search of a name


卖方: The Cichlid Room Companion

Article statistics: 4,021 words, 18 illustrations, 3,621 kb pdf size.

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類別: 分類學和系統發育.

語言: English

Heijns, Willem. 2009. "Heros nigrofasciatus, the convict cichlid in search of a name". The Cichlid Room Companion (crc02326) (摘要)