
On the use of type material and the importance of scrutiny

Por Heijns, Willem

Buntbarsche Bulletin, (249):14-22 dic.-2008

" The reason for writing this article is that I want to try and make the reader think about his or her opinion on any publication (be it peer reviewed or otherwise) that affects the systematics (taxonomy) and thus the names of our cichlids. Systematics and the rules which govern it can be very complicated and mistakes are easily made "

Clasificación: Taxonomía y filogénia.

Idioma: English

Publicación en donde aparece la referencia

Buntbarsche Bulletin (n. 249)

Heijns, Willem. 2008. "On the use of type material and the importance of scrutiny". Buntbarsche Bulletin. (249):14-22 (crc03246) (resumen)