
Geophaginae: Earth eating is not the whole story.

Por López-Fernández, Hernán

Buntbarsche Bulletin, (233):8-14 abr.-2006

" Historically, the term Geophaginae was coined by Haseman in 1911 to group Geophagus-like cichlids (essentially today’s Geophagus, Satanoperca, Biotodoma, ‘Geophagus’ brasiliensis, ‘Geophagus’ steindachneri, Mikrogeophagus, and Apistogramma). Much research on cichlid biology has been carried on since Haseman, yet the first modern analysis assessing the identity of Geophaginae and other American cichlids was performed by the Swedish ichthyologist Sven Kullander as recently as 1998. By the end of the year 2000 there were conflicting results coming from morphological and molecular studies of geophagines and there was no concordant evidence as to which genera should be part of Geophaginae. Because of this disagreement between morphological and molecular data, I decided to do an analysis combining morphology and molecules and try to answer the question “What is a geophagine cichlid?” "

Clasificación: Taxonomía y filogénia, Sudadmérica.

Idioma: English

Publicación en donde aparece la referencia

Buntbarsche Bulletin (n. 233)

López-Fernández, Hernán. 2006. "Geophaginae: Earth eating is not the whole story.". Buntbarsche Bulletin. (233):8-14 (crc03326) (resumen)