
The Tropheus of southern Tanzania

Von Konings, Ad

The Cichlids Yearbooks, 5:10-17 1995

" Report on a survey along the southern part of the Tanzanian coast of Lake Tanganyika during June 1994 with the main objective to explore this remote and rarely visited area for new species and geographical variants of Tropheus "

The Tropheus of southern Tanzania

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Angeboten von: Cichlid Press

Article statistics: eight pages, 22 illustrations, 1.15 mb pdf size.

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Klassifizierung: Artenübersicht, See Tanganyika.

Sprache: English

Veröffentlichung, wo der Verweis erscheint

The Cichlids Yearbooks vol. 5

Konings, Ad. 1995. "The Tropheus of southern Tanzania". The Cichlids Yearbooks. 5:10-17 (crc00897) (Kurzfassung)