Discriminate among the 16 species of peacock bass

创建者 Reiss, Paul, Gary Reiss

Acute Angling, 10-12月-2020. URL: https://www.acuteangling.com/amazon-gamefish/peacock-bass-species-guide.html

" Site with an illustrated guide to the identification of the sixteen Cichla species currently accepted "

分类: 分类学和系统发育, 马达加斯加.

语言: English

Reiss, Paul & Gary Reiss. 2020. "Discriminate among the 16 species of peacock bass". Acute Angling. 检索 17-12月-2020, 从: https://www.acuteangling.com/amazon-gamefish/peacock-bass-species-guide.html (crc09938) (摘要)