Freshly collected male from Speke Gulf
Freshly collected male of Haplochromis plutonius from Speke Gulf, Lake Victoria [Tanzania]. The fish belongs to the anker and Barel 1977 collection and remain preserved at the British Museum of Natural History. 拍攝者 Anker, G.C. & Barel, C.N.D.. 鑑定者 Frans Witte




Haplochromis plutonius Greenwood & Barel, 1978


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最初命名為 Haplochromis plutonius:


  • Greenwood, Peter Humphry & C.D.N. Barel. 1978. "A revision of the Lake Victoria Haplochromis species (Pisces, Cichlidae), Part VIII". Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Zoology Series. 6(4):227-281 (crc01160)

保育: Haplochromis plutonius 被評鑑為國際自然保育聯盟瀕危物種紅皮書名單中的 (CR) 極危 (2010). This species has not been caught or no data about a record of its caught is known since 1980, so it seems logical to think that it is endangered or extinct.