Illustration of type
Retouched photograph of type of Aequidens guaporensis as it appears in plate LIV of Haseman, John D. 1911. "An annotated catalog of the cichlid fishes collected by the expedition of the Carnegie Museum to central South America, 1907-10". Annals of the Carnegie Museum. pp. 329-373. Photo de Pekka Vasankari. Envoyé par Rico Morgenstern.

Aequidens guaporensis Haseman , 1911

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souscrire connexion

Considéré comme synonyme junior de Aequidens viridis (Heckel, 1840)

  • Kullander, Sven. 2003. "Family Cichlidae (Cichlids)". Check list of the freshwater fishes of South and Central America. 605-654 (crc01092)

Décrit initialement sous Aequidens guaporensis:


  • Haseman, John D.. 1911. "An annotated catalog of the cichlid fishes collected by the expedition of the Carnegie Museum to central South America, 1907-10". Annals of the Carnegie Museum. 329-373 (crc00340)