Illustration of type
Illustration of type of Batrachops punctulatus as it appears in Regan, Charles Tate. 1905. "A revision of the fishes of the South-American cichlid genera Crenacara, Batrachops, and Crenicichla". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. v.1: pp. 153. 拍攝者 Pekka Vasankari. 發送者為 Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.

Batrachops punctulatus Regan, 1905


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考慮為晚期同種異名 Crenicichla reticulata (Heckel, 1840)

  • Fowler, Henry W. 1944. "Los peces de Perú. Catálogo sistemático de los peces que habitan en aquas peruanas". Museo de Historia Natural Javier Prado. (8):260-290 (crc12460)

最初命名為 Batrachops punctulatus:


  • Regan, Charles Tate. 1905. "A revision of the fishes of the South-American cichlid genera Crenacara, Batrachops, and Crenicichla". Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1:152-168 (crc00333)