Individual at Luagala Point
An individual of Neolamprologus sp. 'benthosplendens' at Luagala Point, Lake Tanganyika [Tanzania]. 拍摄者是 Mattia Matarrese. (18-9月-2019). 鉴定者 Ad Konings




Neolamprologus sp. 'benthosplendens'


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最初的参考文献在 Neolamprologus sp. 'benthosplendens':

保育: Neolamprologus sp. 'benthosplendens' 未被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)在濒危物种红色名录中为自然保育进行评估. When N. sp. 'benthosplendens' was first discovered by Tautvydas Pangonis and Mattia Matarrese in 2019 they noticed it was rare and to prevent a wild hunt for this attractive species by the ornamental fish collectors we decided to list just the locality within Mahale National Park where fish collectors are not allowed to fish. Now that we know that it is common below 40 meters we hope someone manages to retrieve some live specimens so that an aquarium population can be established. Neolamprologus sp. 'benthosplendens' is not a rare cichlid but lives below 40 m deep in a rocky type habitat which makes catching one not an easy task.